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Updated: March 2022

Article I - Name 

The name of this organization is the National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs (NACCTEP), a national program of the Maricopa County Community College District, a political subdivision of the State of Arizona (MCCCD). 


Article II - Purpose 


The purpose of the National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs (NACCTEP) is to advocate, promote, and advance community college teacher education programs.

NACCTEP is organized and shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes under the laws, rules, and policies that govern MCCCD. Pursuant to these purposes, NACCTEP will promote the sound growth of community college teacher education programs while demonstrating the core values of the Maricopa County Community College District. 


Article III - Membership 

Section A: Categories

Categories of NACCTEP will include Individual memberships,  Institutional memberships, Student memberships, and Educational Partner memberships.


Section B: Members

Any person involved in or committed to teacher education and qualified under Article III, A, of these operating procedures may become a member upon payment of membership dues, and remain a member as long as annual dues are current. 


Section C: Voting

All current dues-paying members are eligible to vote. Only current members of NACCTEP may hold office or serve on official committees.


Section D: Dues

Membership is on a rolling basis, starting on the date the member makes payment and continues for one year. Dues will be determined by the majority vote of the Executive Board. 


Article IV - Executive Board


Section A: Powers

The Executive Board is empowered to determine the policies and programs of NACCTEP, so long as they are within the mission of Maricopa County Community College District. All decisions relating to the expenditure of NACCTEP funds or receipt of grants or donations are subject to compliance with the financial, accounting, procurement, management, and other procedures of MCCCD including, where applicable, approval of its governing board. 


Section B: Composition of the Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of the following officers; a President, Vice President, Past President, Treasurer, seven (7) At-Large Members, one (1) to three (3) appointed board positions, a non-voting Student Member, and Executive Director.


Section C: Appointed Board Positions 

At the request of the Executive Board, the President of the Board may appoint one board position, from each of the following areas: 

  • Presidential Representative: Must be a current President of a community college. The role of this board member is to assist NACCTEP with maintaining its understanding of the overall legislative and policy issues being addressed locally and nationally.

  • Partnerships & Collaborations Representative: Must be a national organization whose vision, and mission reflect and supports the needs of educator preparation. Board members serving in this capacity must be willing to share national-level perspectives on matters that may impact P-20 education. 

  • Higher Education Representative from a 4-year institution - Must be from a regionally accredited college, verify a strong commitment to partnering with community colleges, and will provide information on regulations, policies, and funding that may be useful to the organization.


Section D:  Election Process 

Elections for the Executive Board Officers and Members-At-Large are held in the spring. Officers will begin serving on July 1 following the election. Nominations for members will be made to the nominating committee at any time. The nominating committee will put forth a slate of candidates for vacant positions. In the event of a position being vacated before the end of the term, the nominating committee will bring forth candidates for a vote as soon as possible. 


  • The Executive Board Officers serve in two-year terms.

  • The President, Vice President, and Treasurer must have at least one year of Executive Board experience before they are eligible to run for these positions. 

  • If a current Member-at-Large runs for an Executive Board position they forfeit their Member-at-Large position, and if elected, will serve the entirety of the newly elected position. 

  • If a current Board member wishes to remain on the Board for consecutive terms, they will contact the nominating committee in the spring to ensure they are on the ballot for voting. 

  • The appointed board positions will be reviewed every two years by the Executive Director and President. 


Section E:  Vacancies 

Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Board for any reason and at any time will be filled by the usual election process. In the event that a board vacancy occurs, the replacement position will serve out the remaining term of the vacated seat.  


Section F: Parliamentary Procedure 

The Executive Board meeting procedures will follow Robert’s Rules of Order. 


Section G: Quorum 

A quorum will be established at any meeting when a simple majority of the Board members are present. 


Section H: Meetings 

The Board will meet once a month. One month the board will meet at the national conference. 


Article V - Executive Board Positions


Section A: President

The President’s term is a two-year term. The President will: 


  • Preside at all meetings of NACCTEP.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the Strategic Planning Committee. 

  • Act as an ex-officio member of all committees. 

  • Perform all other duties that regularly pertain to the office. 

  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board. 

  • Serve as the official representative of NACCTEP. 


Section B: Vice President

The Vice President’s term is a two-year term. The Vice President will: 

  • Serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. 

  • Perform the duties of the President when the President cannot perform the duties. 

  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board. 

  • Serve as a parliamentarian. 

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President. 


Section C: Past President  

The Past President’s term is two years. The Past President will: 

  • Serves as a member of the Nominating Committee. 

  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board. 

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President. 

  • Assist with research and data collection. 


Section D: Treasurer 

The Treasurer’s term is two years. The Treasurer will: 

  • Serve as chair of the Finance Committee.

  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.

  • Liaise with Maricopa Community College for the purposes of managing the finances.

  • Direct the creation of the annual budget. 

  • Report to the Executive Board.


Section E:  Members at Large 

The Members at Large’s term is two years. Members at Large will: 

  • Promote and coordinate the activities of the organization. 

  • Serve as a voting member of the Executive Board. 

  • Participate on one or more standing committees. 

  • Serve as chairperson of standing committees when requested by the committee on which they serve. 

Section F: Appointed Board Representatives

The Appointed Board Representatives’ term is two years. The appointed Board representatives will:

  • Provide perspective in their area of expertise. 

  • Participate on committees, they may serve as a committee chair, however, this is not required. 


Section H: Executive Director

 The Executive Director will: 

  • Provide administrative support to the Executive Board.

  • Manage the official correspondence of NACCTEP. 

  • Maintain permanent records of NACCTEP. 

  • Oversee the creation and distribution of reports to each NACCTEP committee. 

  • Supervise the business affairs of NACCTEP. 

  • Monitor a membership database. 

  • Serve on the Finance Committee. 

  • Represent NACCTEP at the national conference and approved national conferences of related organizations. 

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President. 


Section I: Student Board Representative 

The Student Board Representative will: 

  • Write an article for the NACCTEP newsletter 

  • Co-present at an approved major conference as designated by the President. 

  • Attend all board meetings 

  • Communicate progress on education degree

  • be appointed as a community college student. This term concludes with the President who appointed them or the completion of their four-year degree program. 

  • This is a non-voting member of the Executive Board.


Article VI - Board Meetings 


Section A: Annual Business Meeting 

There will be an annual business meeting of NACCTEP convened by the Executive Director associated with the annual conference. 

Section B Special Meetings 

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President as needed and will follow the process:

  • Members must be notified of the date, place, and time of the meeting and results of the special meeting will be disseminated to all members. 

  • Vote: All matters brought forth at the special meeting will be decided by a majority vote. 


Article VII - Committees 


Committees will be created by the President and approved by the Executive Board for the purpose of carrying out the board duties as assigned. The committees take action under the approval of the Executive Board for the purposes of implementing the identified strategic plan. (Article V, Section A) 


Committees will be composed of members of the Executive Board, current NACCTEP members, and community members, as appointed by the President.  The chairperson of each committee must be a member of the Executive Board. 


The President approves the Standing Committee members and Standing Committee Chairs at the annual business meeting of the Executive Board or at any time necessary.

Committees will include the following: 


  • Nominating Committee: This committee will be chaired by the Vice President and will recommend nominations for officers and members, as well as oversee the scholarship process and select the award recipients. The Past President will sit on this committee. (Article V, Section B)

  • Strategic Planning Committee: The committee will be chaired by the President for the purpose of preparing and updating the strategic plan. The strategic plan will be presented and voted on by the Executive Board at the annual business meeting. (Article V, Section A)

  • Finance Committee: This committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and responsible for the recommendation and approval of an annual budget, review of the conference budget, and other finance issues requested by the President. (Article V, Section D) The President and Executive Director will be members of this committee. (Article V, Section A) (Article V, Section H)

  • Membership Committee: This committee will be chaired by a member of the Executive Board and is responsible for an ongoing membership campaign designed to retain membership and solicit new members. They are also responsible for recruiting affiliate members (groups and organizations). 

  • Resource Committee: This committee will be chaired by a member of the Executive Board and will compile, create, and distribute membership benefit resources. 

  • Conference Committee: This committee will be chaired by a member of the Executive Board and will plan the annual conference, create a marketing plan for the conference, and oversee the activities during the conference.  The conference budget will be created and presented to the Finance committee for review. The Executive Director will serve on this committee. 


Article VIII - Finances 


Section A: Deposit of Funds 

All Funds of the organization will be deposited in accounts held and managed by MCCCD. 


Section B: Membership Dues and Assessments

 The Finance Committee may determine any membership fees or other assessments to be imposed upon members of the organization. Final approval for fees must be voted on and approved by the Executive Board. 


Section C: Committee Funds Request

Committees will request funds from the Finance Committee for consideration in the annual budget and for incidental and unforeseen expenses. 


Section D: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of NACCTEP will be from July 1 to June 30 of each year. 


Article IX - Amendments 


Section A: Operating Procedures

Upon the recommendation of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board, proposed amendments to these operating procedures will be submitted to the General Membership for approval.  A written notice will be given to the members 30 days prior to the request for votes on the amendments.  An affirmative vote by â…” of the majority of members voting on the operating procedures is required for adoption. Voting will occur electronically during the annual business meeting. 


Section B: Review Process

Every three years a review of the Operating Procedures shall be conducted. 

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